Monday, 19 March 2012

Sprinkle Sprinkle Little Star

Islam has a code of ethics for all scenarios, including behaviour during Jihad (battle), we are yet to find any code wherein the Prophet (saw) authorised people to urinate while in battle to psych themselves. The foundations of the Sunni sects is based on the principle that the companions are a source of Guidance and they are all 'Just and Truthful.' 

How would one like to follow in the foot steps of this role model? Al-Bara ibn Malik Al-Ansari, he was one of the Sahaba (companions), from the Ansar of Banu Khazraj. He is the brother of Anas ibn Malik. It was said he participated in numerous battles until he was martyred at the battle of Tustar while fighting the forces of the Persian Empire. 

Let us investigate his exemplary behaviour and how he used to mark his territory during battle.

Ibn Hibban:

"…And I dissociate myself to you from what these people (meaning the Muslims) are doing. Then he fought by his sword until he was killed. And Zayd, the son of Al-Khattab, saw the exposure of the Muslims from their travelling, so he came forward and fought until he was killed. And Baraa', the son of Malik, the brother of Anas, the son of Malik, and he was Baraa' - as what is said - stood, and when he attended the war, he began trembling until the men sat on him, and then he would urinate in his trousers. And when he would urinate, he would be like a lion. And when he saw what the Muslims did of the exposure, and what he saw from the people of Yamama, he would take what he took until the men sat on him. And when he urinated, he sprinted and said: 'To where, O Muslims? I am Baraa', the son of Malik! Come to me!'…"

Source: Kitab Al-Thuqat. Vol. 2, Pg. # 174.

Muhammad Ibn Jarir:

According to Ibn Humayd-Salamah narrated Muhammad ibn Ishaq a chief of Banu Hanifah from Aboo Hurayrah: The Apostle of God said one day while Aboo Hurayrah and Ralhhal ibn `Unfuwah were in a group meeting with him, "Oh company , the molar tooth of one of you in hellfire on the Day of judgment will be larger than Uhud. Aboo Hurayrah said, "The group passed away and only Rahlhal ibn Unfuwah and I survived, where upon I remained frightened because of this until I heard of the rebellion of Rahlhal, at which I felt secure and knew that what the Apostle of God had said was true ." Then the people met [in battle], and no war of the Arabs had ever met them like [this] war; so the people fought intensely until the Muslims were put to flight and Banu Hanifah reached Mujja`ah and Khalid, so that Khalid left his tent. The people entered the tent in which Mujja'ah was with Umm Tamim, and a man attacked her with a sword; whereupon Mujjd'ah said, "Stop! I am her protector, and what an excellent, noble-born woman she is! Attack the men!" So they reduced the tent to tatters with swords. Then the Muslims called to one another; such that Thabit b. Qays said, "How bad is that to which you have made  yourselves accustomed, oh company of Muslims! Oh God, I have nothing to do with what these ones worship (meaning the people of Al-Yamamah), "and I have nothing to do with what these ones do" (meaning the Muslims). Then he waded into battle with his sword until he was killed . Zayd ibn Al-Khattab, when the people became removed from their saddles, said, "There is no retreating after al-Rahhal." Then he fought until he was killed. Then al-Bara ibn Malik  brother of Anas  b. Malik, stood up; now whenever he faced battle, he used to be overcome by tremors so that men [had to] sit upon him; then he would shake violently beneath them until he urinated in his trousers. When he urinated he would be aroused as a lion is aroused. Now when he saw what the people had done, he was overcome in this manner so that the men sat upon him; then, after he had urinated, he sprang up saying, "Where [are they], oh company of Muslims? I am Bard' b. Malik, come on with me....!"

Source: Tarikh Al-Tabari. Vol. 10, Pg. # 177-179.


  1. Good enough for Ibn Hibban one of your classical scholars of Rijal to mention in his book of 'Authenticated Ones'

  2. Are you guys still active to answer few question. If i want to ask some ques where i can send.

  3. Are you guys still active to answer few question. If i want to ask some ques where i can send.
