Sunday, 29 January 2012

The Life Of The Prophet (saw) From The Wife of the Prophet (saw) Part II

The Prophet (saw) Would Indulge Himself In Romantic Pursuits While Fasting!

All sources that are quoted can be found from the following official websites of the opponents:

Saheeh Bukhari. Volume 3, Book 31, Number 153: 

Narrated Aboo Bakr bin 'Abdur-Rahman: My father and I went to A'isha and she said, "I testify that Allah's Apostle at times used to get up in the morning in a state of Janaba from sexual intercourse, not from a wet dream and then he would fast that day." Then he went to Umma Salama and she also narrated a similar thing.

Saheeh Bukhari. Volume 3, Book 31, Number 148: 

Narrated A'isha and Umma Salama: At times Allah's Apostle used to get up in the morning in the state of Janaba after having sexual relations with his wives. He would then take a bath and fast.

Whilst A'isha might be seeking to extol the depths of love that the Prophet (saw) had for her, such narrations lower the character of the Prophet (saw) down to a level of a pervert (God forbid). This entire depiction of the Prophet (saw) from the tongue of A'isha presents him as some perverted Arab leader and thus goes against his (saw) exalted status. Had A'isha a true picture of Prophethood in her mind, she would never have attributed such shameless narrations to the Prophet (saw). One would not even attribute such to the common layman, let alone the Seal of all Prophets (peace be upon all of them).  

Defence One

[ 12840 ] 5 ـ وبإسناده عن سعد ، عن محمد بن الحسين ومحمد بن علي ، عن محمد بن عيسى ، عن احمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر ، عن حماد بن عثمان ، عن حبيب الخثعمي ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : كان رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) يصلي صلاة الليل في شهر رمضان ثم يجنب ثم يؤخر الغسل متعمدا حتى يطلع الفجر .
وبإسناده عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى ، عن محمد بن عيسى مثله .

5 – And by his isnad from Sa`d from Muhammad b. al-Husayn and Muhammad b. `Ali from Muhammad b. `Isa from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Abi Nasr from Hammad b. `Uthman from Habib al-Khath`ami from Abu `Abdillah (a.s). He said: "The Messenger of Allah (saw) would pray the night prayer during the month of Ramadhan, then become junub, then delay the ghusl on purpose until the fajr would rise."

Reply One

These narrations suggest that during the blessed month of Ramadhan the Prophet (saw) would sleep after conjugal relations with his wife throughout the night, not offering Tahajjud prayers, nor reciting the Qur'aan. Rather, he would sleep through the entirety of the night and would in fact awaken in the morning (after Sunrise), would perform the Ghusl and then commence fasting. A'isha was frank enough to explain that it was not merely a deep sleep but due to the act of sexual intercourse. In one tradition, the brother of A'isha seeks to include Umma Salmah (r.a) as a narrator. We see that when we compare it to the narration in Al-Kafi, the Imam (a.s) said: "The Messenger of Allah (saw) would pray the night prayer during the month of Ramadhan then become junub, then delay the ghusl on purpose until the Fajr would rise." Clearly A'isha has ascribed a lie to the holy Prophet (saw) by suggesting he would waken in a state of junub which could either mean two things:

1) The Prophet (saw) was fasting, read morning prayers (At this point his fast was closed) then broke his fast by intentionally sleeping with his wive(s) then later performing Ghusl which would mean the Prophet (saw) broke his fast!?


2) The Prophet (saw) would miss night and morning prayers, awake in the morning in the state of Junub then performed Ghusl in the morning?!

A'isha had given the green light to her spiritual sons to implement a practice that enables them to partake in such culinary delights during this blessed month. She seeks to do so by citing the example of the Prophet (saw) that one can happily partake in this act and sleep at their own leisure. Thereafter one can awake for Fajr whensoever they wish then commence the fast one can turn to one’s wife, sleep with her, then go back to sleep and perform Ghusl and continue their fast as usual! And thus the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) will likewise be implemented in the process! 

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